Thursday, August 3, 2017

If We Were Having Coffee

Since I've hit a blogging slump again, I thought I would try out this post I've had on my list for ages. Jamie from The Perpetual Pageturner has a series called If We Were Having Coffee. I love this series and I've always meant to write one of these for my own blog. So here is my first crack at it!

If we were having coffee...I'd tell you I'm thirteen books ahead on my Goodreads Challenge and right on track to read 40,000 pages in 2017. This summer has been amazing stretch of reading for me and I've plowed through quite a number of books. Right now I'm listening to Norse Gods by Neil Gaiman and finding the audiobook quite addictive.

If we were having coffee...I'd tell you my vacation in Cape May was gorgeous and I've had trouble staring at a computer since. The beach house we rented had finicky WIFI and my cell service was terrible. Hence, I was cut off from most of the world's news and social media for a whole week. Since I returned to Pennsylvania, I've had a hard time doing technology things. My brain is still in vacation and disconnected mode.

If we were having coffee...I'd mention I'm having trouble keeping up with everything. On top of adding a new, larger library selection to my Overdrive (I joined the Free Library of Philadelphia recently and so should you if you live in PA), I also discovered Hoopla thanks to a friend. Right now I am overwhelmed with choices and I've borrowed a lot in the past few weeks. Hopefully I actually finish most of this, but right now I'm feeling stretched thin.

If we were having coffee...I'd talk about how I miss my grandmother, who passed away in January, and her birthday would have been this week. Over the past seven months I've learned a lot about her life and wish I had been able to talk to her more about it when she was here. Generally, she's been on my mind a lot. 

If we were having coffee...I'd ask you how you watch so many shows. I always feel like my evenings are full of books and youtube. I fall behind on my favorite shows so easily and hardly ever stick with the new ones I start. I've also just added Hulu to the mix which may have been a mistake. If you have recommendations or tips, let me know.

If we were having coffee...I'd tell you I want it iced because summer is still here, but I can't believe it is August. Is anyone else's summer just flying by? But I did see pumpkin beers already on my last venture to the grocery store so fall is coming fast! I'm already stoked to get my sweaters out of storage.

That's it for this first installment! I really like these posts when Jamie puts them together and I'm pleased with how this has turned out as well. Let me know how your summer is going and what you are reading right now!

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