ASMR Rooms - These are actually less spooky and more atmospheric. I never thought I would enjoy ASMR. It gives me chills most of the time, but this channel has amazing videos that relax me. Most of them are Harry Potter themed and very relaxing. I play them at work when I'm alone in the office or at home when I'm trying to wind down for bed. A few weeks ago I even played them while I was sick and they put me right to sleep. The two I've listed seem especially appropriate for this time of year. One is the creator reading the Halloween chapter from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and the other is a rain storm in Hagrid hut.
Spooky Shows: I really enjoy ghost hunting shows and they are fun to watch this time of year. For me they deliver just the right amount of spooky and scary without stepping into the horror genre. I also like the bits about the history of the place they are investigating. Right now there are a few I've been watching. Ghost Adventuers is a lot of DUDE and Bro but I find them amusing. Most Haunted scares me out of my skin a little bit.

Buzzfeed Unsolved: This could fall under the ghost show category, but it is too silly compared to the others. This is on the light side of spooky. Buzzfeed has a series where two guys wander through a "haunted" property. One is a believer and one is a skeptic. Fun to watch and I giggle even though there is some spooky stuff involved.
Haunted Places: In this Podcast the narrator walks the listener through different haunted locations. In many of the episodes the narrator covers legends and events that happened in the locations as well as the stories of the people who lived there. The narration is quite scary and some of the content is disturbing Personally, I enjoy this podcast, but I recognize it may not be for everyone. I suggest selecting your episodes with caution.
Saw Bones: A husband and wife talk about historical medical topics. This is not really a spooky recommendation, but it always feels appropriate at this time of year. They cover many different people, diseases, and medical practices from history.
Stuff You Missed in History: This podcast is good any time of year. I tend to binge it for a few weeks then save up episodes for a while. Two women discuss a topic from history that you probably didn't learn in school. This podcasts covers a lot of different topics, but they have a focus on women's history, people of color throughout history, and LGBT+ history.

There you have a few recommendations for media that will fit the #FallMood
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