Series: Finishing School #4 (Finale)
Genre: Historical/Paranormal
Age Group: Young Adult
Hardcover: 326 pgs
Source: Purchased
Published: November 2015
Rating: 4/5
in the art of espionage aboard Mademoiselle Geraldine's floating
dirigible have become tedious without Sophronia's sootie Soap nearby.
She would rather thwart dastardly Picklemen, yet her concerns about
their wicked intentions are ignored.
Who can she trust? Royal werewolf dewan? Stylish vampire Lord Akeldama? Only one thing is certain: a large-scale plot is under way. Sophronia must be ready to save her friends, her school, and all of London from disaster.
Who can she trust? Royal werewolf dewan? Stylish vampire Lord Akeldama? Only one thing is certain: a large-scale plot is under way. Sophronia must be ready to save her friends, her school, and all of London from disaster.
This final book in the Finishing School Series is delightful for many reasons. Not just because it wraps this series up in a fantastic way. (I can always count on Gail Carriger to give us an ending I will delight in even when she scares me first) Something about the way her books and series wrap up is just perfect. In this particular series she also links this series into her Parasolverse and sends the reader off into The Parasol Protectorate Series artfully. It is a bit of a wonder to watch as Ms. Gail wraps up the loose ends here and dangles a few tidbits in front of the reader to entice them to continue forward. Whether you've read the next series (like me) or not, it is tempting to jump into Soulless right after finishing. (See what I did there?)
The girls are at the end of their training and not only are they versed in these skills we actually get to see them use it. I really enjoyed seeing their skills and Sophronia's quick thinking once again. The story is quirky and fun while balancing historical accuracy I really enjoyed the writing style and it is fast paced. I mentioned before I thought the love triangle was unnecessary and this remains true.
Overall this series has been a lot of fun and my favorite part was the characters. They are a really interesting group and I am excited to hear more about them as Gail publishes short stories about their lives.
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