As always visit That Artsy Reader Girl for more Top Ten Tuesday topics and a list of who is participating.
1) The Secret Casebooks of Simon Feximal by KJ Charles (1799 Ratings on GR) - This set of short snapshots about a gay couple in a paranormal Victorian England will rip your heart out. If you can handle violence, this is an excellent hidden gem.
2) Romancing the Werewolf by Gail Carriger (1984 Ratings on GR) - If you read Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate Series and wondered what happened to a certain Beta and a certain newly turned werewolf, this is for you! I loved reading this one.
3) Tortall: A Spy's Guide by Tamora Pierce (1690 Ratings on GR) - Honestly, I found this a joy to examine. I love Tamora Pierce's Tortall world and this is an interesting look into moments we as readers have missed. George's spy book is revealed to the reader.
4) Making Sense of the Troubles: The Story of the Conflict in Northern Ireland by David McKittrick, David McVea (820 Ratings on GR) -
5) An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors by Curtis Craddock (814 Ratings on GR)-
6) Read Bottom Up by Neel Shah, Skye Chatham (1917 Ratings on GR)
7) Rebel Magisters by Shanna Swenson (606 Ratings on GR)- THIS IS BOOK TWO. Even so, this entire series is underrated but also amazing. I adore it and cannot wait for more!
8) Reindeer Boy by Cassandra Jean (491 Ratings on GR) - This is very Christmas appropriate and I'm very surprised more people haven't found it since Cassandra Jean does a lot of the art for Cassie Clare and her books.
9) Captain Marvel, Vol. 1: Rise of Alpha Flight by Michele Fazekas (1142 Ratings on GR) - I really enjoyed this Captain Marvel graphic novel and had fun reading it. I can't wait to read more of this and see what happens next with this crew.
10) Fruits Basket Collector's Edition, Vol. 1 by Natsuki Takaya (1207 Ratings on GR) - This is a rerelease of my favorite manga of all time. I have such good memories of this series and didn't have my own copies until these collector's editions were released.

Reindeer Boy does sound good.
ReplyDeleteMy Top Ten Tuesday post.
What an interesting list! The Secret Casebooks sounds delicious. What I love about this topic is that you ALWAYS see new titles on other bloggers' lists. Here's mine:
ReplyDeleteI didn't know that Cassandra Jean's had so little ratings! That makes me sad and surprised because, like you said, one would think that the community would be on it???? Dang! A lot of intriguing titles on here so thanks for sharing!