Sunday, June 9, 2019

How do I fit in reading? What does time management look like for you?

As you may have noticed or heard me mention, I've been a little absent around this blog lately. If I'm being honest I've been distant from most of my online presence except for Instagram since March started. At the beginning of March I moved into a new position at my job and it has been stressful and draining. We've also made a lot of changes to our company which has been exciting but also exhausting. Three months has been enough time to adjust, I hope even though I've said that before, and I'm ready to jump back into this blog.

So, I'm back! If you're wondering what I've been up to, the answer isn't very exciting. I've been trying to read while mostly laying on my couch watching baseball or listening to podcasts. Throughout this transition, I've wanted to read so badly. My brain simply wouldn't let me. It wanted anything except a physical book in my hands. Out of the seven things I read in my five of them were audiobooks and the other two were graphic novels. Obviously reading has been on the back burner.

What I'm hoping to work on going forward is time management. I've always been good at making lists, but I'm bad at going back to look at those lists. My goal for June is just to make posts and update things that have gotten away from me. My goal for the end of the year is to get a review up for every book I've marked as read on Goodreads. Does that sound ambition? It is a little. The problem is I've left it go too long. I don't remember everything I want to about these books. From here on out I hope I can write reviews more quickly because I won't feel guilty about the books I've left unreviewed. Hopefully is the key word.

So I pose this question to all of you. How do you keep up with all the things you want to do in life? I love to watch youtube. I have 15 favorite podcasts that update every week. I have hundreds of unread books. I want play video games and watch Netflix and keep up with my baseball team. Does anyone have any tips for managing all this? How do you do it? How can I do it? How do I do it while staying sane and getting enough rest with my new job?

Even if you don't have a tip, I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you find time to read and how you make time for all the other things too without being constantly exhausted. I hope these recent posts signal a return to the blog for me, but if I disappear again, know I'm still struggling to find balance in this new job and in the world at large.

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