Top Ten Tuesday is hosted every week by the The Broke and the Bookish every week and I always enjoy participating. This week there were two options. You could choose either Top Ten Books That Should Be In Your Beach Bag or Ten Books That Will Be In My Beach Bag This Summer. I chose the second option because I am already trying to narrow down my list of books that I'll be taking to the beach next month. I've never been able to read 10 books on this trek of just 7 days, but I hope this year I'll be able to knock out some books that have been sitting on my shelves for ages.
1) The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas- Even though this book seems like a brick, I think it would be a fun classic to read on vacation. I've had this books since Borders was closing and have always wanted to read it. The adventure and intrigue make me think I would like to read this in large chunks.
2) Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters by Ben H. Winters - Obviously this book was meant to be read at the beach! Based on my experience with Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, I think this would be a humorous read for the beach.
3) Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins - I bought this book on a whim because I heard the author talk about it. Since then I've heard nothing but good things about this series. It is seriously tempting to pick this book up now that I've remembered how awesome this series sounds.
4) Will of the Empress by Tamora Pierce - Even though Pierce is one of my favorite authors, I've never been as dedicated to the Emelan world as I was to Tortall. Therefore, I just haven't started this latest round of stories that follow the Circle of Magic characters. I'm hoping to catch up on her published works by the end of the year. This would be a good start.
5) Storm of Swords by George R.R. Martin - I'm about 200 pages into this book already, but I would love to conquer a chunk of it over this summer and on the beach. I finished Clash of Kings almost a year ago so I'm a little confused with what's going on, but I hope to really jump into this story over this summer.
6) Not a Drop to Drink by - Mindy McGinnisThis story is all about a lack of water and defending a lake. Honestly I think being near the water would be the perfect setting to read this. I'm also dying to read it!
7) What I Thought Was True by Huntley Fitzpatrick - Last year I took My Life Nextdoor to the beach and it was the perfect beach read. I plan on picking up this second book she has published because I am so excited to read something new from her.
8) Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell - Even though this book is about going to college, I think it would be perfect to read at the beach. Mostly I think I need to read this far away from expectations and hype because there are so many people who love it.
9) The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan - I am finally caught up on all of the greek mythology books by Rick Riordan. I would really like to read all of the Kane Chronicles before the final book in The Heros of Olympus series come out this fall. I'm very excited to check out this series.
10) The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch - I've been hearing fantastic things about this series and I've recently rediscovered by love for fantasy. My reasons to take this to the beach are very similar to why I want to take Storm of Swords to the beach. I don't have this book yet, but I'm planning on picking it up.
Nice list of books. Fangirl seems to be on everyone's list for summer reading. I have to admit that it sounds like a good read.
ReplyDeleteKristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous