Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Books I've Read This Year

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted every week by the The Broke and the Bookish and I always enjoy participating because they come up with amazing topics. This week is especially fun and I've decided to make a video instead of just a post today! 

As usual I'll list the books I'm going to mention. They aren't listed in any particular order and there isn't any order up until my top 3. If you want to know those, you'll have to check out the video! :) 

Books I've Mentioned: 
Days of Blood and Starlight - Lani Taylor

All of these books are amazing and so many of them are a part of a series that I cannot wait to continue!
Happy Reading! 

My Last Top Ten Tuesday------> Beach Bag Books


  1. Great list! A lot of my favourites (or soon to be favourites) on here too.

    My TTT: http://confessionsofabookgeek.wordpress.com/2014/06/10/top-ten-tuesday-best-books-in-2014/
    R x

  2. I'm reading CoHF now!! And TSWSYL and TDT and DoBaS are three of my favorite books! Great list!! (sorry for the use of all acronyms hah)

    Nicole @ The Quiet Concert

  3. I just picked up the first Clockwork book to start that series - happy that it is complete now and I'll just marathon them for the rest of the summer/fall. Here's my list!

  4. Ooh, a new Tamora Pierce book? Whaa??

    Here's my TTT:
