You may have noticed from the posts on this blog I love young-adult fiction and consume quite a bit of it. Yet as much as I love young-adult books, they usually occur in sets of three (or more!). Committing to a new series is hard especially since I already have so many unread on my shelves. It is impossible to read every series that comes out since time is limited. Plus there are always new books and series being debuted.
Therefore, today I'm going to list three series I haven't read and I don't believe I am going to make an effort to read them. These are popular series, but they are not very appeal to me or I've tried to read them in the past without any luck.
Because I haven't read these books, I have no idea if these series are amazing or terrible. This is not a reflection on the merit of the book or their authors. For me, these series are not as appealing as some others I already own or want to purchase so I don't think I'll be picking them up.
1) Mara Dyer Trilogy by Michelle Hodkin - I've heard a lot of talk about this series, but it doesn't really appeal to me. Even though so many people have been waiting so long for book three, I haven't jumped on the bandwagon. I don't think I'll be picking this one up just because it doesn't sound amazing to me and I've heard very mixed reviews. I have the first book on my Kindle though so you never know.
2) The Selection Series by Kira Cass - While coming up with this list, I wasn't sure if I wanted to add this series or not. The three books in this series do appeal to me, but I've borrowed them in various formats from the library and I never read them when I have them. HOWEVER, I want
The Heir on my shelves so badly, that cover is gorgeous, so it might happen eventually.
3) Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld - For me, dystopians is not my favorite. I like it occasionally, but I don't reach for it without encouragement. This series is one of the original YA dystpoians and I doubt I'll ever pick it up even though so many people really rave about it. I do plan on picking up some of Scott Westerfield's other books, but this one is not as interesting to me.
Let me know if I'm missing out or if I must check these series out!