Young Reading:
Sometime in the future I'll cover my middle school and high school favorites, but right now I will focus on the books I read as a young child. These were mostly elementary school I believe? In my mind I'm pretty darn young when I devoured them.Animal Ark by Lucy Daniels- As you will soon know well, I loved animals as a child. It made up a lot of my reading and I especially loved the adventures in this series of books. I still have my copies high on my shelf. While my sister read The Treehouse Adventure books, I read Animal Ark. I still remember my shock and disbelief when I heard several authors had penned this series. I felt betrayed to say the least.

Heartland Series by Lauren Brooke - This was my favorite series as a kid. One year for Christmas I received the second half of the series and could not stop reading them. I followed Amy and her friends work with horses that I wanted to own so badly. It definitely helped ease the pain that I never owned a horse as a kid. Now there is even a Canadian TV show about this series and I adore it. Heartland is still a big favorite of mine.

The Land/Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor - These books came into my life a LONG time ago. I remember them as amazing stories and one of the first series I had to hunt down to read. We read Roll of Thunder in class, but I found other books in this series outside of class to read on my own. As of now I don't remember much about the book or the characters, but my love of them has stayed with me.

The Year of the Hangman by Gary L. Blackwood - My copy of this story is battered to pieces. I read it many times and carried it around as my favorite book for a while too. Between this and Roll of Thunder I think I know where my love of history sprouted from.

The Black Stallion by Walter Farley - I mentioned before I loved animals? It was mostly horses that I loved so dearly. This series is a classic! The movies are a lot of fun and I loved how many variations there were. I still have my copies too.

Like I mentioned I'll cover more of my higher reading level books in a separate post. These were just some of my favorites from when I was a child.
What are some of your favorites? Do you ever consider rereading them? I've thought about it but worry nothing could live up to my memories.
Happy Reading!
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