1) Ilona Andrews- Have you heard me gush about the Kate Daniels series? No? You are missing out. Ilona Andrews is actually a pseudonym for a married duo who write together. Their books are awesome and I've read eight of their books in the past few months. Go check them out!
2) Gail Carriger - I've had Gail on my radar for years. Luckily, she is publishing and working on many things at the moment so there is plenty of content for me to devour. Her books are awesome and diverse.
3) Melina Marchetta - So many people raved about Marchetta and I ignored them for a long time. However, this year I finally checked out Finnikin of the Rock which I loved. It was fantastic and I can't wait to read more than just her fantasy books.
4) Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff - These two have a small collection of Sci-Fi books out. This year I read Illuminae and it was amazing. I'm anxious to get my hands on book two and to check out their individual works as well.
5) Rainbow Rowell - I have finally jumped on the Rainbow Rowell bandwagon. I read Fangirl this year and plan on checking out several more of her books. I'm anxious to read one of her adult stories.

My Last Top Ten Tuesday ---> Ten Books I've Added to My TBR
This is an interesting list. I have Fangirl on my TBR list for the new year. And I read Gail Carriger's books for the first time in 2015. And now she follows me on Twitter! I am so happy about it. Here is a link to my TTT: https://coffeeandcatsblog.wordpress.com/2016/12/06/top-ten-tuesday-top-ten-new-to-me-authors/