Once again Top Five Wednesday has rolled around and this week the topic is irresistible. What fictional objects would you want? If you could take anything out of the stories you've read, what do you want the most? I can't wait to see what other people came up with! I did avoid the most obvious choices like a want from Harry Potter or even a magical owl from that series. Instead I tried to think a little outside the box.
1) Hermione's Beaded Handbag (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling) - Personally, I can think of a thousand things (mostly books) I would like to carry with me all the time. Plus the bag is tiny and weighs next to nothing! This would be a fabulous thing to have.
2) Celaena's Suit (Assassin's Blade and Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas) - This suit just sounds amazing. Celaena can climb buildings and hide blades in this suit. I believe it is the outfit she is wearing on the front of the Queen of Shadows cover. I just want to wear it to feel badass.
3) The Crucible (The Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas) - This item is a dream. In the Crucible you can insert yourself in fairytales, fight the monsters, and test your magic in different environments. Also even if you fail and die, you are ejected out of the book but you don't die. It is a little more complicated than that. However, the book sounds amazing and I would love to relive some fairytales!
4) Any of Ronan's Dream Objects - (The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater) - I tried and tried to decide on one of Ronan's dream objects I would want to pull out of the books. I just cannot choose though! The puzzlebox is amazing. Chainsaw would be an interesting pet. One of his cars would be a great and useful thing to have. I just cannot choose.
5) Inej's Climbing Slippers (Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo) - Can you tell I wish I could climb things? I wish I had the skill to just scale buildings like Inej. She is an amazing stealthy climber and her slippers make her even better.

Last T5W --> Top Five Books Featuring Time Travel
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